Federal Governments MYEFO Update

Federal Governments MYEFO Update

The Prime Minister and Treasurer released their first MYEFO update on Tuesday 15 December 2015. The mid-year economic & fiscal outlook (MYEFO) downgraded the 4-year deficit outlook by $26bn (to $108bn), delaying the projected timing of the first surplus 1 year to...
Federal Governments MYEFO Update

ATO focus on Rental Property Deductions

The ATO has announced an increased focus on rental property deductions for the 2015 year. Due to this increased focus from the ATO we would encourage clients to double-check the information that they are providing to us to prepare their income tax returns and ensure...
Federal Governments MYEFO Update

Unsolicited ATO Communications

A growing trend has recently emerged on an international scale in respect of identity theft and the coercing of confidential information from unwilling parties. Recent activity has seen an increase in the number of superfluous emails and telephone calls being made...
Federal Governments MYEFO Update

GST – Common errors or mistakes

Even though the goods and services tax (GST) has been in place since 2000 it still provides small business owners with a lot of confusion today. The confusion is one of the reasons why the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) targets their audit activity in this area. GST...
Federal Governments MYEFO Update

Budget 2015

On Tuesday 12 May 2015 the Federal Government released their 2nd federal budget. The treasurer stated the budget was “responsible and measured” and was all about “small business, fairness and families”. The Federal Government has revised its...