Closing the super savings gap

While as a nation we collectively face a large retirement savings gap, there are a number of smart things you could consider doing to help make sure your future financial security isn’t at risk.

The savings gap

Most Australians are financially unprepared for retirement, partly because we are living longer than ever before and we have higher expectations of our retirement lifestyle.

Research conducted by Rice Warner Actuaries reveals that Australia has a shortfall in super of close to $1 trillion1.

What’s more, the Association of Superannuation Funds of Australia (ASFA) says the average couple needs at least $510,000 to fund a comfortable retirement, while a single person needs at least $430,000 (both calculations assume receipt of part Age Pension)2.

If you’re relying on your employer compulsory super contributions alone to meet this retirement goal, you could be in for a nasty surprise. According to ASFA, if you’re earning $50,000 a year, your lump sum benefit after 30 years of employer contributions would be just $183,000 (assuming 9% super guarantee contributions, investment earnings of 7% and current tax rates).2

While the gradual increase in the super guarantee rate to 12% by 2025 will go some way towards closing this gap, it’s unlikely to be enough2.

Strategies to help close the gap

1. Set your target

The first step in closing the super gap is to understand how much you will need to create the retirement you want. While this may seem obvious, research by Investment Trends shows that 68% of Australians haven’t set a target for their retirement savings or income3. Your adviser can help you identify your retirement target and recommend strategies to close your super gap.

2. Sacrifice some of your salary

Making regular contributions from your pre-tax salary into your super is a simple way to help boost your retirement funds. The amount you sacrifice into super will generally be taxed at 15%, or 30% if you earn over $300,000 . But this is likely to be less than the marginal tax rate you pay on your salary, which is currently up to 49%.

1 Rice Warner Actuaries, ‘Longevity Savings Gap’, Sep 2012.
2 ASFA Retirement Standard, Sept 2014.
3 Investment Trends, November 2011 Retirement Income Report.
4 Federal Budget 2016 has proposed that this limit will be reduced to $250,000 from 1 July 2017. This is subject to the passage of legislation.

3. Consider co-contributions

For people earning up to $51,021 a year (before tax), making an after-tax payment to your super could make you eligible for a Government co-contribution of up to $500 — effectively boosting the value of your contribution.

4. Contribute to your spouse’s super

When one partner takes time off to care for children or elderly parents, they lose the benefit of regular super contributions, adding to the super gap. To help counter this, the Government offers a tax rebate of up to $540 when you contribute up to $3,000 into your spouse’s super, provided they earn less than $13,800 in the year.

5. Make a lump sum contribution

For many people who receive a lump sum, whether it is a bonus, an inheritance or a redundancy payout for instance, their first thought is to put it on the mortgage. But depending on your circumstances, you may be better off putting it into super, or using it to supplement your income and increasing your pre-tax contributions.

Get the right advice

To find out more, contact Matthew Grapsas on 5221 6111.

Matthew Grapsas and LBW Financial Planning Pty Ltd are Authorised Representatives of Lonsdale Financial Group Ltd ABN 76 006 637 225 AFSL 246934.
The information contained in this newsletter is based on information believed to be accurate and reliable at the time of publication. Any illustrations of past performance do not imply similar performance in the future. To the extent permissible by law, neither we nor any of our related entities, employees, or directors gives any representation or warranty as to the reliability, accuracy or completeness of the information; or accepts any responsibility for any person acting, or refraining from acting, on the basis of information contained in this newsletter. This information is of a general nature only. It is not intended as personal advice or as an investment recommendation, and does not take into account the particular investment objectives, financial situation and needs of a particular investor. Before making an investment decision you should read the product disclosure statement of any financial product referred to in this newsletter and speak with your financial planner to assess whether the advice is appropriate to your particular investment objectives, financial situation and needs.

5 Federal Budget 2016 has proposed that this limit will be increased to $37,000 from 1 July 2017. This is subject to the passage of legislation.

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