
Aug 22, 2013 | Accounting, Accounting & Tax

Lauren Bromley

LBW held an information session in October for clients that may have been interested in the accounting software product – Xero.

Xero is a cloud based product which is proving very popular with new business’s that prefer a cloud accounting based product with a lot of flexibility and accessibility.

Clients that attended this session were very impressed and the majority have chosen to take up this product in order to manage their business and accounts online, allowing LBW online access to these accounts to provide real time advice.

LBW has access to a free trial for clients that may be interested in using the Xero product for the month of November. There are no obligations if you decide not to take up the product at the end of the free trial period.

We have two bookkeepers at LBW that have obtained their certification for Xero, who will be able to assist you in the setup or conversion process for your data and accounting software.

LBW will be holding another Xero information session in late November. If you are interested in attending this session please contact Lauren Bromley at our office.

Please contact LBW if you are interested in further information with regard to this product or talk directly to your Principal or Manager to discuss the wide range of accounting software that now exists in the market place

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