Contributions & Pensions

Contributions & Pensions

This is a reminder for everyone to check prior to 30 June 2017: Concessional Contribution – Check that you haven’t breached the $30,000 employer contributions limit (or $35,000 if you are over 50 years) if you have been salary sacrificing into super. If you do...
Contributions & Pensions

2017/18 Victorian State Budget

The state budget usually plays second fiddle to the Federal budget however there were a few items worth noting in the most current Victorian State Budget including: From 1 July 2017 property transfers between spouses involving commercial properties or investment...
Contributions & Pensions

Federal Budget 2017-18

Scott Morrison handed down his Federal Budget for 2017-18 last night. He believes the budget will secure better days ahead and uses the catch cries of Fairness, Opportunity and Security. According to the Treasurer we have choices to make and he believes the budget is...
Contributions & Pensions

Enterprise Tax Bill passes

Finally after some much needed discussions and bargaining the Federal Government it seems has been able to get most of its small business tax cuts through parliament with the commencement date for the increase in the company turnover threshold to $10 million from the...
2016 Federal Budget Summary

2016 Federal Budget Summary

On Tuesday 3 May 2016 the New Treasurer Scott Morrison released his 1st Federal Budget. The Treasurer stated the budget was “not just another budget but in fact was an economic plan to head into a diverse new world economy for Australia”. The Treasurer...
Contributions & Pensions

Budget Super changes

As announced in our May 2016 newsletter, there are major changes upcoming for the superannuation area. As stated previously the Government seems to have its short sighted blinkers on in relation how people will be able to fund for their retirements with some...