Matthew Grapsas

LBW Wealth Pty Ltd Authorised Representative, Certified Financial Planner, CPA Australia Member

Why I do what I do:

I love to use my skill set to help my clients optimise their wealth so they can financially enjoy their retirement.

How I help clients and their business:

By providing quality strategic and investment advice I can help clients grow their wealth in a tax effective manner.

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I am passionate about our community and I give back by:

I currently sit on the committee for the Geelong Chapter of the Financial Planning Association, and are the Treasurer of Northern Futures Limited.

Leading the financial team by:

As the Principal leading the Financial Planning team I have developed a diverse range of skills and can assist clients with achieving key financial objectives in areas such as superannuation, investments, retirement planning and insurance.

A bit more about me:

My passions outside of work are family of course! And attending as many Cats games as possible!

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How I can help you

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