Melissa Wilde

CPA, Bachelor of Business (Commerce)

Why I do what I do:

I always knew that I wanted to be an accountant (my dad was one and I wanted to be the same). I am a people-person, and my favourite part of the job is getting to know my clients and the industry that they operate in. The accounting industry is forever changing, so I like being able to always learn something new.  

How I help clients and their business

With 10+ years’ experience, I have learned that the key to a good relationship with clients is communication, and to be available to assist clients when they need it.   

Building strong and trusting relationships with my clients is my focus. This ensures that I am helping them and their business flourish.  

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Leading the LBW team with involvement in:

I strongly believe that for an organisation to grow, it is vital to train and share knowledge. As part of my role within the firm, I always ensure that I help to develop those around me so that we can be the best team possible.  

A bit more about me:

Outside of work, I am a mum of 2 young girls. I enjoy taking them to their extra curriculum activities and watching them develop and learn. 

I have recently started reading in my spare time and I enjoy going to the gym a few times a week.  

Prior to having kids, I participated in many Spartan events with my husband and a group of friends. 

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How I can help you

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