Changing the Face of Men’s Health

Changing the Face of Men’s Health

As we welcome December and the Christmas period, we say farewell to the caterpillars on the upper lips of our Mo Bros. A huge shout out to our Principal Geoff and accountants Damian, Jeremy and Scott who all put the razor away in order to raise awareness for...
Changing the Face of Men’s Health

Committee for Geelong 2017 Annual Leadership Award

The Committee for Geelong has awarded Michael Betts the 2017 Annual Leadership Award, Congratulations Michael. “We are proud to announce that Michael Betts, Chairperson Emeritus of the Committee for Geelong, is the recipient of the Committee for Geelong 2017...
Changing the Face of Men’s Health

Geelong Business Trends Survey 2016

Deakin Business School and the Geelong Chamber of Commerce recently released their 2016 business trends survey for the Geelong Region. The survey were the results of 153 businesses responding to the certain questions put forward to them. The key takeaways were: An...
Changing the Face of Men’s Health

The Primary School Child and the i-Pad

If it has not happened yet just wait a while and pretty soon (if you have primary school aged children) the school will send home a notice to say that your child requires his/her own i-Pad as part of the curriculum for the year they are about to enter. At my son’s...
Changing the Face of Men’s Health

Intergenerational Report

You will notice some TV adverts that are currently talking about a 2015 Intergenerational Report that the Government has produced which covers off how Australia will change over the next 40 Years.  The report covers off on areas such as population growth,...