A Few Interesting Facts About Retirement

Super or the Mortgage?

Many people wait until their home loan is paid off before investing more in super. However, if you are currently making more than the minimum home loan repayments, you may be better off when you retire if you make additional super contributions instead. Why super?...
A Few Interesting Facts About Retirement

Shall I rent, or shall I sell?

The decision to buy a property, improve it by adding a house or units and sell them is a risky decision at best. The time taken to source, buy, build and put them on the market can often exceed 2 years. 24 months is a long time in any market to be subject to the...
A Few Interesting Facts About Retirement


We all have some form of insurance whether it be for our material items such as our car, contents & home or for those intangible items such as the cost of an operation in hospital or our ability to continue to earn income. Whilst it is a cost we would all prefer...